Stock Market Spam - Playing With The Subject Line
- The information contained in these spam e-mails is mostly exaggerated by the spammer and we strongly recommend that you DO NOT act on any of the stock related information you see on this page or any stock related spam you may receive. Visit Spam Stock Tracker for a practical look at the implications (dangers) of acting on the information contained in these e-mails.
- The companies mentioned in these e-mails are not necessarily responsible for sending the spam. There are also other individuals like speculators, brokers and marketing firms, who also hold an interest in promoting the stock. Read 1.5 of the Stock Spam FAQ on for more information.
- The "Received From" e-mail address mentioned for each e-mail on this page, is most probably a spoofed e-mail address and might not be the true origin of the e-mail.
Date: 2 January 2003 (Received on 4 November 2006)
Received from "Sheena Cantu" <>
Subject: Feel healthy Sheena Cantu

This example contains some hash buster text below the image. It also contains a very distinctive characteristic in the subject line that is common among many stock market spam e-mails. The "Subject" field of the e-mail sometimes contains the name of the person mentioned in the "From" field. Other variations of this subject could have been "Sheena Message", "Sheena Report", "Hi this is Sheena", "Sheena here :)", "Sheena Cantu wrote:", "Hey Sheena Cantu", "Sheena check this", "fwd: Cantu" or just "Sheena" (See also: Stock Spammers Playing With Names). Spammers come up with new ideas for subject lines every day.