Your LoydsTSB Account will expire on 01 Aug 2012
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X-Account-Key: account8
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
X-Apparently-To: x via; Mon, 30 Jul 2012 20:46:38 +0000
Received-SPF: none (domain of does not designate permitted sender hosts)
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Authentication-Results:; domainkeys=neutral (no sig);; dkim=neutral (no sig)
Received: from (EHLO (
by with SMTP; Mon, 30 Jul 2012 20:46:38 +0000
Received: (qmail 24019 invoked by uid 48); 30 Jul 2012 21:58:02 +0200
Date: 30 Jul 2012 21:58:02 +0200
Message-ID: <>
To: x
Subject: Your LoydsTSB Account will expire on 01 Aug 2012
From: LloydsTSB <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
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This email was sent by Lloyds TSB Bank plc Registered Office: 25 Gresham
Street, London EC2V 7HN . Registered in England and Wales no. 2065.
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Even the first sentence of the e-mail message is an epic fail. Every Lloyds TSB customer will notice the typo (only one 'L').
The e-mail was sent on 30 July 2012 and according to the e-mail the account will be suspended on 01 August 2012. This gives the victim only 1 day to respond. The scammer does this on purpose to create a false sense of urgency, hoping that the victim will respond to this e-mail without thinking clearly about it.
But consider the following. Will a bank like LloydsTSB send a very urgent notice to a client, using the most unreliable method of communication in the world and allow the client only one day to respond? Of course not, no bank will ever send an e-mail like this in the first place. Just shows you how important it is to think about an e-mail like this, before you blindly do everything it tells you to do.
Lloyds TSB sending an e-mail from a account, or is it Natwest sending e-mails to Lloyds TSB clients? Well it is neither, we guess the scammer got a bit confused, he probably used a Natwest phishing e-mail and forgot to change the From address. Cut the poor scammer some slack, he has to send hundreds of these each day.
... including phishing scammers with fake online banking sites. Memorable information? Memories of your last summer vacation is also memorable information.
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FSA authorisation can be checked on the FSA’s Register at:
DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THIS! We guess a lot of people assumes that the link to the FSA register, confirms the legitimacy of this e-mail. The FSA Register is simply a public record of all the firms, individuals and other bodies regulated by the FSA and also lists individuals who are approved to carry out particular functions, and other bodies. The FSA Register has nothing to do with the legitimacy of e-mails sent by these firms, as a matter of fact anyone can add a link to the FSA Register in an e-mail, so it gives you absolutely no assurance that the e-mail is legitimate.
Fun fact: The FSA Register link referenced in this e-mail is not accessible to the public, so the scammer could not even get this one right.
Typos as large as life, the wrong From address and a broken link. We really need more scammers like this one.